“En Avant,” Portland Ballet’s Young Patrons Circle is a dynamic community of young professionals, ages 21-40, with a shared interest in Portland Ballet. This group is committed to deepening their involvement and support of Portland Ballet in order to reach the widest audience possible. EA members have access to exclusive benefits including behind-the-scenes looks, performance discounts and social events.
Level 1 | $100
Donor List recognition
Access to EA-exclusive sales
Invitation to EA events (post-performance gatherings, observing studio rehearsals, social events throughout the season and more!)
1 Complimentary ticket to each Brews & Ballet Pre-Performance Reception
1 Complimentary Open Division Class
Level 2 | $250
Benefits include all of the above, plus:
Members-only pricing to the Artistic Directors Luncheon
VIP invite to a private pre-performance cocktail hour before A Victorian Nutcracker
Opportunity to observe a company warm-up class at Westbrook PAC
Level 3 | $500
Benefits include all of the above, plus:
2 complimentary tickets to PB’s Season Finale production
Backstage tour with four guests (by request)
2 complimentary tickets to each Brews & Ballet Pre-Performance Reception (member + 1 guest)
*EA Membership covers Portland Ballet's 2024-2025 Season. Payments can be made in full or on a recurring monthly basis through April 2025. For assistance with scheduling recurring payments, please call 207.772.9671 or email office@portlandballet.org with questions regarding membership*